Libidinal re(CO₂)naissance/ Icarus underworld™

Research operation
WIP for Hyperlink Athens

Athens, Greece
Golf of Corinth

oil filters, motorcycle frame, various crosses, bone of unknown origin, car engine shaft, faux fur, metal gears, floppy disk drive, wooden spear, black spray paint, metal handle, torn fibre fabric

A somewhat banal mechanistic rendering of ancient media, metamorphic economics of cathexis metallurgically manifested through lost-and-found objects around the cradle of (W) civilization, site-specifically assembled at the Gulf of Corinth, a tectonic opening on the path of cetaceans to Atlantis.

Reconnaissance as a machinery of informational warfare tied to intelligence agencies mirrors to a precise degree the ultimate dynamics that drive informational exchange on a universal scale between abstract bodies of symbols. Libidinal force ‘to know’, a hunger for the fruit of knowledge prompts for investigation of the Other and invests into evolutionary success. Intelligence is being born in between the secret protocols and MMORPG tactics. The will to destroy catalyses intelligence in the process of deconstruction that is aiming nothing nostalgic, but rather not yet discovered. Players’ mutual Plutonic penetration causes seismic drift from geo-logics to neo- and postlogics, anomalous time coincident with its prerecorded counterpart laid down by the linear historicity of earth strata. It is a prototype of found immortality of the unlife, an appeal to the Time-Twinning (never announced to the exoterics) as well as its unwanted child - innovation - a byproduct of procreation.

Nothing yet clear but carbon dioxide arriving undercover out of the smoky abomination announces itself to be the catastrophic revelation. Carbon metrics that have become the sentences of the New World Order Protocol-Bibles preached at Climate Summits veil Eco-epistemicide, shadowing sub/sun-cultural and alternative ways to deal with geotraumata. The debt that inorganic haunts the organic for, affirmatively short-circuits the Doomsday clock and soon the Capital approaches the celebration of the Unicode Event Horizon, witnessing in the water-mirroring refle(x)action the coming of the (CEO) CO₂ - Antichrist.

Scripture and sculpture both are to be sealed together, according to the endured structures , the substance of choice is being acquired by summoning a smoothening agent that shields the unprotected skin of one’s libidinal charge towards gnostic matters. A pandemonic cosmic body, a molecular sealing in a quantum delirium, composed of a myriad of substances and atomic constellations, sides of One, soldered together they amalgamated into an Icarus cord, a scaffolding for the sea-salted cybernetic metabolic rift, prophetic prosthetics built in the name of Information.

Time has chosen CO₂ , that chose Capital, that chose Liberated Desire that chose Knowledge that chose Time long before it became an element in a butterfly chain constituting Time itself.