Anaescan Prototype 00 x Post Organic Bauplan

Wearable Sculpture / AI-Exoskeleton
PLA, linear DC actuators, DC motors, metall bolts, velcro strips, cable wire, driver boards, arduino.
4 pieces: Spinal cord 01, Tail Prototype 0, Exo Arm Limb 01, Chest Vest Spider Net 01 

Creative Direction: N1stY, Post Organic Bauplan
Sound: mvd0ae
DOP: Juyeong Park
2nd Camera: Niels Gercama
Assistant: Eve Fainke

Video Edit, Sound Compositing: N1stY


“Replacement of thermodynamic machines by information machines marks a critical moment: human displacement from the center of production”
Gilbert Simondon. “On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects”,  1958

Here was conducted a test for computational AI embodiment as well as critical intervention into  human psychosomatics, analysis enabling an experience of passing over the agency over one's own body to the “Other” and a potential perception shift from anthropocentric control paradigm, inherited from cartesian division of mind and body.

” Anaescan Prototype 00 ” is a research project that aims to combine the theoretical work in the fields of AI embodiment and philosophy of technology with the practical example - a technical prototype of an AI governed exoskeleton and a dedicated digital game application.

Anaesthetics - is a substance that has an ultimate control over bodily condition and shapes the perception of pain for the sake of necessary medical intervention, often in urgent situations. Scan - is a practice that dissects the matter to extract and capture the essence and to report back the stats. Both phenomena are connected to the metaphorical technological condition that biological life is situated in nowadays. Technology was and is a prosthesis, manifesting itself from inside out.